Monday, December 12, 2011

Is this still there?

I once read about Carhenge. Is it still around in Nebraska?

Is this still there?

Why yes it is, Shaker.

And the resemblance to the real Stonehenge is absolutely uncanny. In fact, it also sits on a plain, just like Stonehenge and the cars are grey - just like the stones. Anything else you%26#39;d like to know about it?

Is this still there?

Yes please FSM, Is it far from where you live? I am thinking about a Road Trip, and would like to spend some time looking at unusual sights, this seems something worth a visit. What else is there to see in Nebraska?

It%26#39;s not too far from where I live.....about an 11hour drive, but part of that is on the Interstate and if you push it, you might get there in 10 1/2 hours.

Lots of fun things to see in Nebraska. Omaha has a world class zoo - the best indoor rainforest in the world, aquarium %26amp; desert dome. You can see the Strategic Air Command Museum full of WWII and later airplanes. Lincoln is home to the National Roller Skating Museum and one of the finest state capitals in the country. If you come to Nebraska at the right time of year, you can view the annual sandhill crane migration (people come from all over the world to see it). Then there is the annual Wilber Czech Festival in August, where you can eat kolaches %26amp; drink beer (not ale). That is only 30minutes from me.

Carhenge is in northwestern Nebraska, near Alliance. Also in northwestern Nebraska are Scottbluff National Monument, the wildcat hills, Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Eve Bowring State Sandhills Ranch, Pine Ridge, Fort Robinson (where Crazy Horse was killed) Chadron State Park, Fur Trade Museum, and Toadstool Park. Toadstool Park is an amazing area of geographic formations. All these are just an hour or so south of the Black Hills and Badlands of southwestern South Dakota. Western Nebraska is about history and geography (and cattle ranching). Fascinating.

I live in Nebraska and have never been to Carhenge!! Someday hope to see Stonehenge!! But with all the listings of things to see in Nebraska...Pioneer Village in Minden was omitted. If you%26#39;re interested in ';How the West was won'; isn%26#39;t expensive and there is a lot to see.

It sure is. Ted Turner owns that land, and it is harder to go and see it now, but it is still there.

It sure is. Ted Turner owns that land, and it is harder to go and see it now, but it is still there.

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