Monday, December 12, 2011

Message for FullSailMom


Just thought I%26#39;d do a Virtual Visit, as I%26#39;d tried your Magnifying Glass experiment, from about 2am through to 5am, and nothing. Does the sun need to be up for something to happen?

Message for FullSailMom

Oh my, dear friend!!!

Why yes Shaker, the sun NEEDS to be up for the magnifying glass experiement! It worked quite well today here in Nebraska with temps reaching 107 F. The dear son burned a whole in the rubber band that was holding the newspaper this morning, so I can attest that it actually works!!!

Whatever are you doing wandering around over here in Nebraska? Pretty funny!

Perhaps you are looking for a ride in a 1936 fire engine? We can accomodate you in Geneva!!!

I think I%26#39;ve booked Edinburgh for the nights of 7Feb through 9Feb. I%26#39;ll be posting soon on that forum.

You crack me up!!!

Message for FullSailMom


Oh, so the Sun does need to be there, I%26#39;ll try that. %26lt;sound of receding footsteps..... long pause.... returning footsteps%26gt;

OK, I%26#39;ve just been outside, the Sun is up, and I held the Magnifying Glass up for ages. Nothing. I must be getting something wrong. I suppose you%26#39;ll tell me that I should be out of the shade next......

I%26#39;m here because I%26#39;ve just thought of a new idea. I will save huge amounts of money, by going on ';Virtual Holiday';, so I%26#39;m having a visit to Nebraska right now. Where should I go, apart from on the Fire Engine? Or is that like a Hop On - Hop Off Bus Tour? Just think, with this virtual touring, no Jet-Lag. (D%26#39;oh!, I%26#39;m not sure I could survive on virtual food and beer....)

Hmmm, where do I go next?

I could suggest somewhere for you to go, Shaker!

Why not visit the Antarctica forum, that would be cool!

Oh and if you really want to make the magnifying thing work - try holding the glass directly over your head and point it toward the Hubble Telescope. You have to be standing in the middle of the street at an intersection while you do this, because that%26#39;s the only place the Hubble can connect with your magnifying glass. Who said science wasn%26#39;t fun!

Virtual beer tastes rather bland, unless it%26#39;s Bud-Light beer and then the taste actually improves.

If you wish to travel to the great State of Nebraska, I suggest you start in our capital city of Lincoln, home of the National Roller Skating Museum.


Hey, I tried that Hubble thing, but the glass got smudged when I pointed the handle at the telescope. Looks like it%26#39;s something that only works over there.

I went over to some place in Missouri after here, I see you were there too, but not recently.

Nice to know that your virtual touring is going well.

Sorry about the Hubble thing, perhaps you need to use a larger magnifying glass (like about 10ft x 10ft)

%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; cheeky %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

%26lt;ouch, ouch, ouch%26gt; This %26lt;ouch%26gt; typing hurts %26lt;ouch%26gt;, since that %26lt;ow%26gt; large magni%26lt;ouch%26gt;fying glass %26lt;ow%26gt; fell on %26lt;ow%26gt; me.

Do you hear the sound of violins playing ';My Heart Bleeds For You';? Maybe you should give up science and just stick to wit and sarcasm, that%26#39;s your forte!!! (tee hee)

BTW, I wandered over to Missouri and saw that you%26#39;d been virtually visiting there. Was it fun?

Oh yes.... Maybe I%26#39;ll go somewhere else, and you have to find where I am? (No cheating though!)

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