Monday, December 12, 2011

Scott's Bluff, Chimney Rock

Some help please, I will be driving back to PA through Nebraska, will have spent about 3 weeks seeing mesas, arches, canyons in Utah and the Rockies in Colorado. Just wondering if Scott%26#39;s Bluff and Chimney Rock are worth about 100 to 125 miles out of the way to make a stop.

Thank you for your comments

Scott's Bluff, Chimney Rock

I would say yes, but it%26#39;s a tough call. I%26#39;m from Nebraska and really love the western part of the state. If you are into history, then it%26#39;s a resounding YES. Scott%26#39;s Bluff takes about an hour or 2 to see, including walking the trail to the top (definitely do if you do stop). Chimney Rock usually doesn%26#39;t even take that long. When we were there, we couldn%26#39;t get to the formation itself, just viewed from the Visitor Center. The deciding factor should probably be if you%26#39;re into the history of the settlement of the western United States. These were MAJOR landmarks on the Oregon Trail. Another stop would be at Ash Hollow, also just an hour or so. If you%26#39;re looking for something along the lines of the stunning scenery you have just come from, it%26#39;s probably not going to happen. The scenery in Utah and Colorado is spectular, stunning. The scenery in western Nebraska just kind of draws you in. It%26#39;s so different. I am awestruck when I realize what the travelers went through 150 years ago in covered wagons. Glad I don%26#39;t have to do that now.

Would I do it? Probably. Should you? Depends on how much of a hurry you%26#39;re in and if you appreciate the subtle beauty of western Nebraska along with its history.

Scott's Bluff, Chimney Rock

Thank you for your response, candid and concise and gives me the info I will need to ponder. After reading your response, I think it will come down to how anxious we are to get home at that point, we will have been on the road about a month or so. I did not consider the historic aspects but more the physical beauty, I need to re-think my reason for stopping.

Thank you, your comments are appreciated

My family came west on oregon Trail in 1852. I drove that route 8 or so years ago from son%26#39;s home in Omaha, Very interesting to me.

But certainlly does not compare to Arches for scenery, but it better than I-80

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