Monday, December 12, 2011

Upstream Brewing Company

Hi all,

We%26#39;re thinking about grabbing a bite at the Upstream Brewing Company, but which of the 2 locations would you recommend? Old Market or Legacy?

thank you!

Upstream Brewing Company

They%26#39;re both very nice locations.

I prefer the Old Market location, mainly because I hate urban sprawl so much. Parking won%26#39;t be easy in the Old Market, but I wouldn%26#39;t consider it ';bad'; by any means. You%26#39;ll find more atmosphere in the Old Market. Also, if you plan to have dessert or additional drinks after dinner, you%26#39;ll find options within walking distance if you%26#39;re at the Old Market location.

If your work / hotel / friends are out west, that location would be more convenient. Also, they did a decent job of giving the new west omaha location character compared to many ';urban sprawl restaurants';.

Upstream Brewing Company

Just tremendous food! Loved my lunch here!

Glad you liked it Jersey, I%26#39;ve always had good food and beer there. What did you think about the Old Market area? It%26#39;s lots of fun.

The food is great.. and the beer is fabulous. Does the West O location brew the beer right there as well? Never been to that one.

I suggest the Legacy / West location. Food is the same or better, the place is bigger.

If you want to walk and shop afterwards go to Village Pointe at 168 + Dodge afterwards - good shops, they have good free concerts at times and will not find the beggars , shiftless teens and wierdo%26#39;s hanging around like you see at the OM. And parking is free !

The Old Market is just too funky for us , we went down there again Sunday - half the places to eat were closed, nothing much going on. The shops sell mostly strange junk. I am sure thats what some folks like though. I think we can wait a few more years to bother goign down there again. We did stop in to USB for a brew though.

FullSail, Iloved Old Market. You know what was nice about Omaha..there wasn%26#39;t too much to do.. I didn%26#39;t feel (like I did in some other places) that I had to run around and go bonkers trying to squeeze everything into a weekend. The Old Market area was very manageable!

Hi JerseyDewd! So glad you had a great time....Omaha is a nice place and you are so correct in your assessment, that you don%26#39;t have to run around ';like bonkers'; to get everything done! And the Old Market is just a great hangout place!

I do hope to return soon. The other thing I did which I greatly enjoyed was visiting the Lewis %26amp; Clark monument on the other side of the river in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Although there wasn%26#39;t much to see I really enjoyed, on a beautiful Friday late afternoon, looking out from the bluffs at the airport across the river and smoking some fine cigars!

It sounds to me as if you fit right in to Nebraska lifestyle, JerseyDewd! Sit back.....relax......smoke some cigars....contemplate life and relax.....our way of life!

You know I think I would. I come from South Jersey (as I say the part without attitudes or accents) as most people conjure up images of New Jersey watching the Sopranos. My relatives came from Rochester NY which has more of a Midwest influence due to the trade patterns which took place before the Erie Canal. So you are right on the money! I am an easygoing guy that enjoys the Midwest. Hey, I supported Bob Kerrey in 92!

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