Thursday, April 8, 2010

Colonial Hotel on Farnam?

Could someone give me some feedback about the Colonial Hotel in Omaha?

Colonial Hotel on Farnam?

Given that area its in, I would think that its perhaps a funky older property. They have no ads in the local yellow pages, no web site.

Its not a %26#39;bad%26#39; area of town per se- its near Mutual of Omaha and other businesses and not far from the U of N med center.

There are plenty of nice, newer hotels a few miles east of there in downtown Omaha.

Colonial Hotel on Farnam?

Maybe call them ?

Colonial Hotel


Fax: 402-551-7438

3804 Farnam St,

Omaha, NE 68131

I would not recommend staying in this area. Either find a hotel downtown (nothing west of 16th) or stay west of 72nd Street. The Mutual/UNMC areas are not the best places to be at night.

I drive by the Colonial on a daily basis. From what I see, it has been empty or mainly unused for years. However, I have seen a lot of construction going on in the past weeks. Im guessing they will turn it into condos or apartments rather than reopen it as a hotel.

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