Saturday, April 3, 2010

Relocating to Omaha

We will be moving to Omaha next spring and were wondering about good neighborhoods for kids, schools. Have read about Papillion. I will be working at Offutt. Also heard Bellevue is nice. Concerned about safety, good schools.

Relocating to Omaha

Both are good locations and there is a very strong military presence in both areas.

Relocating to Omaha

I%26#39;d recommend La Vista and Papillion over Bellevue. The Papio-La Vista school district is much better than Bellevue. Bellevue has the most crime in Sarpy County. Papillion and La Vista are cities around 20,000 people, very progressive and growing, especially La Vista west of 96th Street.

We moved to the west area of Omaha almost 4 years ago and love it. Millard school district is very good. Also lots of shopping and restaurants, too. We are glad we made the move. Good luck with your move.

For schools, I would certainly recommend looking into Papillion-Lavista South (around 96th and Highway 370) or Gretna (around 200th and Highway 370).

Gretna would be much further, but both are just a straight shot West down Highway 370 from the base.

The Westside School District, also called District 66 has the best schools in the area. I would stay away from Omaha Public Schools if at all possible. D66 was actually named in the top ten list of public schools in the US when Redbook Magazine compliled a list some years back.

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