Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kansan looking for family vacation ideas

We would like to go on vacation during spring break this year and am at a loss for what to do. Our oldest will be graduating so it may be the last time we all take a big trip together! Flying is really not an option with the size of our family (and budget). We are about equally split between liking outdoor activities and just lounging. A trip near outdoor activities but with nearby modern accomodations (from cabin up) would be ok. Trips over the years (to help with our interests) have included camping in the Black Hills of South Dakota, all things tourist in San Antonio, white water rafting in Colorado, all things tourist on the East coast from North Carolina to Massachusets, visiting family and doing tourist type things in Alabama and Minnesota. We try and do different things/places to reach all areas of the country. It has been a few years since we have been on a big trip together (too many teenagers with too many activites).

Do you have an suggestions for your state? Our kids are 12-18.

Kansan looking for family vacation ideas

This would be during Spring Break 2008 - March 15-22

Kansan looking for family vacation ideas

If you are at all interested in wildlife, one of the most spectacular things to see that time of year is the sandhill crane migration. You could stay anywhere in the Kearney or Grand Island area and see some truly unique and magnificent birds in awesome numbers.

If you contact the Kearney Chamber of Commerce, I know that they have information on this as well as other area things to do and places to stay. There are several more minor side trips in the area... the Kearney arch is worth an hour or two, the Hastings Museum is another one that I%26#39;d put in the same category.

Omaha has an awesome zoo. Outside of Omaha near Ashland Nebraska has the SAC museum and Mahoney State Park is nearby. They have cabins you can stay in but they book in advance.

Could also drive from Ashland to Lincoln about (30 minutes). The University of Nebraska in Lincoln has a museum with old elephants and dinosaurs. I believe it%26#39;s called Morrill Hall.

There are several museums throughout the state featuring a wide variety of events and history from Nebraska’s past. They often hold special weekend events as well. The museum is located in Ashland.Another Ashland attraction is the Willow Point Gallery and Museum. This is an indoor museum that features 29 wildlife species.For More Information Visit

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