Thursday, April 8, 2010

Omaha-Lincoln transportation

I%26#39;ll be flying into Omaha and will need transportation to Lincoln. I don%26#39;t want to rent a car, since I will have access to one once I get to Lincoln. Are there any shuttle services that run between the two cities? Thanks.

Omaha-Lincoln transportation

OmaLink runs from Eppley in Omaha to lots of places in Lincoln and even further west. I%26#39;m originally from Lincoln, I%26#39;ve almost used Omalink on a few occasions, and I%26#39;ve found their schedule and prices to be pretty standard as far as shuttle services go. But not actually having used it, I can%26#39;t speak to service, etc.. here%26#39;s their website. There may be other shuttles, but I haven%26#39;t encountered them.

Omaha-Lincoln transportation

Thanks for the information.

you could also use Eppley Express. They run between the Omaha Airport and Lincoln Airport. Check out their times and schedules at

i am not sure the following quote adds to my level of trust in Omalink.....No way is it a 3 hour drive. You could drive from Naperville to Omaha in 6 hrs! It is maybe an hour drive from Lincoln to Eppley in Omaha. In fact I always drive from Chicago to Lincoln and I live in the city. From Naperville it is an hour less. If there is any kind of delay at the airport you are better off to drive.

';To drive from Lincoln to the Omaha Eppley Airfield takes roughly 3 hours, plus waiting time. Therefore, you have to ask your friend to take 6 hours off from his or her job or free time to drive you up and back...Nobody likes to do that. Assuming your friend has a decent job, in order for him to take you to Omaha and drop you off, and then pick you up a week later, the cost of lost work could be easily over $200! Almost a full work day spent on the road driving, not to mention $20 in fuel and wear and tear on your friend%26#39;s vehicle';

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