Thursday, April 1, 2010

Omaha 4th fireworks

Other than from inside Rosenblatt, are there any good, public areas from whick to watch the fireworks?

Omaha 4th fireworks

Some friends normally tie up their boats around a sandbar but with all the storms I believe the river is too high for that.

Usually 24th street to the river turns into a parking lot and the Iowa side is probably about the same.

Omaha 4th fireworks

I%26#39;ve never been across the South Omaha bridge to the Iowa side, but I%26#39;ve heard it%26#39;s pretty chaotic over there as well. If you don%26#39;t mind waiting in traffic afterward (or let traffic decipate a little after the fireworks end), it might be worth checking out the Iowa side.

It%26#39;ll be pretty chaotic anywhere around Rosenblatt. I want to say that 100,000 people are in a few square mile radius of Rosenblatt.

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