Saturday, April 3, 2010

Felony car break-ins at Omaha zoo last weekend

Following is email that I wrote to the Omaha City counsel and the Mayor%26#39;s office. As you can see, a bunch of vehicles were broken into last weekend at the zoo.

Please see the following Blog URL for my involvement:

i.e. I%26#39;m the parent looking for daughter%26#39;s stolen laptop.




Dear City Counsel member –

I have written the following email to Mayor Fahey today because I want to make sure you are aware of the felony robberies that took place at the Omaha zoon the May 24th. I hope that you will help and encourage the Omaha police department to resolve these crimes.

Thank you,

George Smith


Dear Mayor Fahey

We just returned from visiting Omaha for my wife’s annual Blezek family reunion. Our trip was great as usual but it was marred by an incident at the Omaha zoon on May 24th.

Our car was broken into (and apparently so were about 20 others). Computers, cameras, luggage, IPODs, etc. were stolen. The locks on our rental car were pulled and broken and everything that they could steal was stolen. We reported this incident to the Omaha police department (OPD Incident Felony Report R.B. No. 29949V).

I am especially upset because my daughter had her laptop stolen that contained a years worth of her college work. I am emailing you because I hope that you might get involved in making sure the police do everything they can to resolve this crime. The police officers we dealt with seemed very good and professional but I am not sure what their priority is in working this case.

I think this incident, considering the large number of vehicles that were broken into and because of the value of what was stolen, really hurts Omaha’s and the Zoo’s image. If you can do anything to help resolve this case and to help insure that it does not happen again I would appreciate it.

Thank you very much,

George Smith,

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