Thursday, April 1, 2010

College visit - Need ideas!

Two of my girl friends and I are planning a trip to Omaha mid-November, probably the weekend of the 21st. I am going to visit Creighton University, but bringing them along to make a road trip out of it. I%26#39;ve been getting ragged on for wanting to move to Omaha from Chicago; apparently all my friends think Omaha is a cow-town. We are planning to stay within the vicinity of Old Market however only one of us will be 21 at the time so I am going to need some creative ideas to show them that I am not going to turn into some straw chewing, Republican farmer if I decide to make the move. Any ideas are appreciated!

College visit - Need ideas!

Too funny !

Well I moved here from Chicago after being born and raised there ( 37 years ) and would never move back to Chicago!

There%26#39;s a big difference between coming here for school and coming here to live. A friend of mine from Chicago area sent his daughter here to Creighton for Undergrad and Graduate school and she did well here.

When you compare a metro area of 7 Million people to one of 500,000 people there is quite a difference. There is a big difference in entertainment and cultural opportunities. If you are a full time student carrying a full course load - outside of school, what are you looking for. If you know what you are looking for in a school and community and make a note of them and then judge the different schools.

Creighton is located just north of Downtown so unless you go out of your way you will not ever see any farmers - you are closer to the %26#39;hood than to the farms there ( bear this in mind for your own saftey when on the campus or in the area north of the campus )

Unlike Chicago however, Nebraska actually has 2 political parties and our elections here actaully can go eaither way !! LOL....

College visit - Need ideas!

One more tip - public transportation in Omaha is pretty weak - unlike in the city of Chicago proper.

I would think that the school will set you up with some students that can help show you around to all the local haunts and describe the kinds of activities that they participate in in their free time.

Also, One other large school is pretty close to Creighton - University of Nebraska at Omaha is a few miles west and and south.

Thanks for your reply. I am thankful for your perspective; I was becoming more and more hesitant with each day thinking I was going to be bored to tears. I have also looked into University of Nebraska at Omaha for their Pharmacy program. Are there any venues/shops/';artsy'; districts that you can recommend?

Well you already know about the Old Market - that%26#39;s the downtown artsy scene - the Blue Barn theater and coffee shops, some drinking places etc.

I am going to ask my son about the local College scene, he graduated from UNO just a few years ago. I will post his comments.


First, if you%26#39;re going to be an undergrad, please remember that your social life will take plce mostly on campus. Creighton is big enough and national enough that you will find whateber you want on campus.

As for culture and fun: check out the Qwest Center, Orpheum Theater and Holland Performing Arts Center activities on line. Most undergrads won%26#39;t be shelling out the money required for event like these. The Sokol Underground for stuff you might like. It%26#39;s not in the Old Market. They have a website. Check out the website for Slowdown. Note: you can%26#39;t just hop a bus or the el -- if you leave the Market area, you%26#39;ll need transportation.There will be a goood Rivera exhibition at the Joslyn Art Museum. Check out who is playing what on the Creighton campus.

I grew up in the sticks outide of Chicago -- my hometown is now the burbs. I lived in Seattle before coming here. I am not a Republican and I don%26#39;t chew straw. There are many Republicans here and you might have a good experience meeting some ;)

Theater and live performance tickets cost less in Omaha. You don%26#39;t have to fight traffic to go downtown and you can probably actually afford to eat at the Cheesecake Factory.

You won%26#39;t find Trader Joe%26#39;s or Ikea but you will find Super Target and Wal Mart (easier on a student loan budget) and your parents can always bring or send what you can%26#39;t buy here.

I came to this ';cow town'; by choice and although it%26#39;s different, it%26#39;s quite livable.

If you have more specific questions, ask away.

If you want artsy, check out the Hot Shops at 13th and Nicholas. This is a building filled with artist work spaces and galleries.

Thanks everyone for your advice. I hope this trip will help my friends into seeing the city for what it is, not the picture they already have in their mind.

I hope that you have fun on your college visit! I graduated from Creighton, and I loved it. I would ask the people showing you around for tips on places to visit, but if you want to do some exploring yourself, here are some other places you might want to check out:

Dundee (between about 50th and Dodge - Underwood). The Dundee theater shows midnight movies on the weekends, and there are several bars and restaurants on Underwood.

Benson (around 60th and Maple) There are several restaurants and bars. I know that you mentioned some of the people you%26#39;re traveling with are not 21, but sometimes there are all ages concerts.

Down the street from Creighton, and near the Qwest Center is The Slowdown, one of my favorite bars/venues.

They also have all ages shows.

And Filmstreams (there is an Urban Outfitters on the same strip too).

I know hot shops was mentioned, the Bemis Center is also pretty cool.

I hope you have fun on your visit!

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