Thursday, April 1, 2010

witches bridge

What is the story behind Witches Bridge??????

witches bridge

It is said that a witch used to live thier and worshiped the devil. She was said to be killed and her house burn down, and it is said if u drive to the bridge at midnight stop in the middle of the bridge turn of ur car, some say the witch will try to pull u down and u can also if u are lucky see the spirts of those who perished on the bridge cause it is reported that many people died on that bridge while driving over it at top speeds. Also it dosn%26#39;t really happen as much but ur car won%26#39;t start after u try to drive to the other side of the bridge. After u drive over the bridge there is some houses on ur left and somesay that people that lived their also worshiped the devil and late and night u can see a chair in one of the old torn down house and the chair wouild be rocking back and forth by itself and no it couldn%26#39;t be the wind cause its an awful big chair for the wind to move it, also they say that a spirt of an old man will try to get u of the property and the old man has red bloody eyes. The bad thing about the houses is that it is privite property and some farmers use the land next to the old houses for cattle. So good luck trying to get in cause last time I pass through there, the path to the houses was sealed by a gate. They must of done that so no one will go there on holloween night. And it is trasspassing if u try to get in and if u get in u can be fine up to $500 if u get caught. And don%26#39;t ask why they never torn down them old houses down nobody knows why they are still standing.

witches bridge

Where exactly is this bridge at i was just wondering? Ive lived bout an hour away my hole life and this is the first ive heard of it.

There are other stories that go with this bridge and we are researching them now to try to find the truth with the proof. I can tell you that there is some supernatural activities going on there. Not everyone can see that relm but I have some people in my life that can. (I never have)

If you are interested in the results, send me and E-Mail with the subject ';bridge'; and I%26#39;ll keep you posted as we figure things out. I%26#39;ll include an interesting photograph and the story behind it.

I dont know what the story is but me and my ex boyfriend asnd his cousin and my friend all went up there. We stoped in the middle of the bridge and i was all freaking out but it was not that bad tell we got close to the house we had to turn off are lights because we didn%26#39;t want to get caught and we went pass the house and some stupied kids came up behind us so we wanted to scare them so we turned are lights off and followed them lol, my boyfriends cousin said it would be funny if the truck died i was like no it wouldnt

I dont know what the story is but me and my ex boyfriend asnd his cousin and my friend all went up there. We stoped in the middle of the bridge and i was all freaking out but it was not that bad tell we got close to the house we had to turn off are lights because we didn%26#39;t want to get caught and we went pass the house and some stupied kids came up behind us so we wanted to scare them so we turned are lights off and followed them lol, my boyfriends cousin said it would be funny if the truck died i was like no it wouldnt

I myself and my kids have been to thie bridge and we love it out there.....would like to know more from anyone who has proof and details about what all happened out there anyone wantig to contact me about this can do so please!!!

Does anyone have directions to this bridge?

So I heard that druggys go out there and smoke, drink, and shoot up er wat ev in the old houses.. well i guess there used to be bumbs that lived under the bridge like not to long ago but then the sherif department started to patrol the area.. anyway i heard that the bumbs lived there to get the left overs from the druggys you know.. and im guessing the bumbs are the ones that scare the crap outta people unintentionaly.. i would b scared if i saw a man under the bridge like laying there (looking like he was dead) when he could jus b sleeping.. and so on..

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