Thursday, April 1, 2010

Freedom Park? Help me, locals

I%26#39;m trying to find anyone who is familiar with Freedom Park in Omaha, NE. I%26#39;m curious as to if this park is currently open?

I need some good, current photos of the submarine USS Marlin that is located there for a project I%26#39;m working on, and it is very difficult to find any info to work with.

I know Freedom Park was closed at one time, and I don%26#39;t know if it has yet reopened.

Freedom Park? Help me, locals

Found this here on TA :

Rising incongruently above the Missouri River in the American Midwest, the World War II minesweeper USS Hazard and small diesel submarine USS Marlin form the centerpiece of Freedom Park. Freedom Park (formerly the Freedom Park Navy Museum) is undergoing significant change and renovation. Once run by a non-profit organization as a private museum, the park has recently been purchased by the City of Omaha Parks and Recreation Department. The City is currently renovating the small property to improve safety and visitor amenities. The small shed-like building has been removed and displays not suitable for an outdoor environment placed in storage. The ship LSM-45 has long since been moved to North Carolina, though the USS Hazard and USS Marlin are on display at ground level (not floating) as well two carrier based aircraft (A-4 and A-7), a US Coast Guard HH-52A helicopter, artillery pieces, small motor vehicles, numerous anchors, and propellers, highlighted by a massive ship’s propeller almost 22 feet tall. The park is posted as closed for renovations but to look for re-opening announcements. The City Parks phone number for information is (402) 444-5955 to check to see if/when the park has re-opened. The park lines the west bank of the Missouri River and has fishing opportunities as well. The river current at the Park’s location is swift, keep a close eye on children and pets near the bank. The museum certainly looks like a great place to spend an hour or two viewing the items displayed and hopefully touring the ship and submarine. The park is located just off Abbott Drive which services the Omaha Airport and is literally minutes away from OMA on the way to downtown Omaha.

Freedom Park? Help me, locals


I%26#39;ve emailed you some photos. Let me know which ones you like.


Thanks for the info.

And SimonRufus, I received your email and have replied back to you about the selections. You have no idea how much I appreciate this.

It%26#39;s good to hear that Freedom Park is being taken care of at least.

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